Weekend Warriors: Return to the Desert

Welcome back! Once again, I am participating in Weekend Writing Warriors. You must write either 8 sentences or 150 word limit for poetry. I’ll admit: I haven’t been doing it quite right. But today I will! Check out the other amazing writers on ze button above.

For those who are new, I am continuing my story about Hagar and Ishmael in the Desert. For understanding the backstory, go here. For previous installments: Part one, Part two

Synopsis so far: Hagar and Ishmael are wandering the desert. They have no water. Hagar is becoming desperate and has decided to kill her son out of mercy. Now it’s a flashback to the moment when Sarai (ie Sarah) asked her to be a surrogate.

For a moment, I just looked at her. After 8 years, I believed I knew all her moods, all her expressions. But that day I saw something for the first and only time.  Sarai’s eyes were open, full of waiting. Her face contorted with both need and shame.  This power tasted strange on my tongue, a strange bitter sweetness.  

I heard myself say, “Of course” and  the world shifted beneath me. 

Have a good weekend! Comments, thoughts and critique always appreciated 🙂

17 thoughts on “Weekend Warriors: Return to the Desert

  1. I am to to WeWriWa this week, so I went back to read your beginnings…I am eager to read more of your story, so far so wonderful.

  2. Most definitely the world shifted at that moment, and continues shifting today! You really captured a moment in history here and it bears the ring of truth! Thanks for a great snippet!

    • Thank you! I love your Olympus story. So glad you stopped by to see mine 🙂 it’s helpful having the plot already laid out for me, now it’s just a matter of getting there!

  3. Pingback: Memories in the Desert: Weekend Warriors | My Writings and Musings

  4. Pingback: Weekend Warriors Returns! | My Writings and Musings

  5. Pingback: Back to the Desert | My Writings and Musings

  6. Pingback: The Storm Was Coming…WeWriWa | My Writings and Musings

  7. Pingback: Banishment and WeWriWa | My Writings and Musings

  8. Pingback: WeWriWa is Here Again | My Writings and Musings

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