Weekend Warriors: Return to the Desert

Welcome back! Once again, I am participating in Weekend Writing Warriors. You must write either 8 sentences or 150 word limit for poetry. I’ll admit: I haven’t been doing it quite right. But today I will! Check out the other amazing writers on ze button above.

For those who are new, I am continuing my story about Hagar and Ishmael in the Desert. For understanding the backstory, go here. For previous installments: Part one, Part two

Synopsis so far: Hagar and Ishmael are wandering the desert. They have no water. Hagar is becoming desperate and has decided to kill her son out of mercy. Now it’s a flashback to the moment when Sarai (ie Sarah) asked her to be a surrogate.

For a moment, I just looked at her. After 8 years, I believed I knew all her moods, all her expressions. But that day I saw something for the first and only time.  Sarai’s eyes were open, full of waiting. Her face contorted with both need and shame.  This power tasted strange on my tongue, a strange bitter sweetness.  

I heard myself say, “Of course” and  the world shifted beneath me. 

Have a good weekend! Comments, thoughts and critique always appreciated 🙂